Project Description

Acne Scarring


Acne Scarring


Acne Scar Specialists & Treatments – Windsor, ON

Acne scars form when acne breakouts penetrate deeply into the skin. When the acne clears, the body tries to repair the damage by producing collagen, a substance that gives the skin support. If the body produces too little or too much collagen during the healing process, a scar can form.

There are two main types of acne scars: depressed and raised. Depressed acne scars occur when the body produces too little collagen, resulting in an indentation in the surface of the skin (atrophic scars). Raised acne scars occur when the body produces too much collagen, causing a raised area on the surface of the skin.(hypertrophic scars).

Some factors that can increase the risk of developing acne scars include having inflammatory acne (such as cysts and nodules), delaying or not treating inflammatory acne, picking or squeezing acne, and having a family history of acne scars. It’s important to treat acne early and effectively to reduce the risk of scarring.

There are several treatments available for atrophic acne scars. We start with topical retinoids as Dr. Tan’s research has demonstrated clearance of some atrophic acne scars if used within 3-6 mths of their development. Additional treatments include subcision, fillers, used in conjunction with radiofrequency microneedling or a resurfacing laser to tighten the skin. The subcision stimulates collagen and will lift the depression1. Other treatments include chemical peels, and punch excision treatments. The best treatment for atrophic scars may vary depending on the individual’s skin type, preference, budget, and availability of the treatment. 

Having acne is bad enough but developing scars afterwards is even worse as some scars can persist.

Acne and acne scarring are areas of ongoing study and research for Dr. Tan. Over the years, he and his colleagues have developed measures to evaluate scars and to assess severity including photographic techniques for image capture.

Scars can be small or large, holes (atrophic) or bumps (hypertrophic). No one presents with the same number or types of scars.

Treatments for scars depends on scar type.

        1. For atrophic scars: these range from releasing the deeper tethers (adhesions) holding down the scars using subcision (a blunt tipped instrument inserted just below the skin surface) to treatments to lift up depressions by increasing production of collagen under the skin (using retinol creams, fillers, platelet rich plasma, microneedling, lasers, and pinpoint treatment of scar bases).
        2. If scars are thickened or hypertrophic, different treatments are required to reduce collagen including steroid injections, silicone ointments or lasers.

During your consultation, Dr. Tan will address your concerns, examine your skin, evaluate your scars including their type and help develop a personalized blueprint to help you with scar correction and your goal of clearer skin.

MORE INFORMATION ON ACNE Scar treatments: Personalized Strategies
Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections