NeoClear® Drug-Free Acne Treatment
NeoClear acne therapy is the perfect solution for all ages and all skin types who suffer from all severities of acne. This safe, effective, and tolerable treatment is quickly becoming the ‘go-to’ treatment for patients suffering from acne.
What is NeoClear and How Does it Work?
NeoClear by Aerolase offers patients of all ages and skin types a new safe, effective, and tolerable treatment for acne using advanced 650-microsecond technology. NeoClear is a powerful acne treatment that eliminates the major factors causing acne including excess sebum production, inflammation, and the p. acnes bacteria. Typically, many different treatments, medications, or skin care options are required to address these factors, but NeoClear can achieve this with a single device. The unique settings of the 650-microsecond device allows energy to penetrate deeply into the skin within a highly safe and tolerable pulse to reduce sebum production, suppress inflammation, and destroy the p. acnes bacteria to help clear current acne breakouts and to stop them in the future. Also, the deep heating energy helps build collagen, which can reduce the appearance of acne scars and leave skin looking radiant.
NeoClear is a special treatment as there are no side effects, is very comfortable for patients, and the results can be seen quickly – in as little as a single treatment. NeoClear is an excellent option for patients that do not want to take prescription medications or are unable to. Plus, with increasing prescription costs, NeoClear is an excellent, cost-effective solution for patients’ acne problems.
NeoClear treatments typically take between 10-30 minutes depending on the severity of acne and the size of the area affected (face, neck, chest, torso). NeoClear is highly safe, effective, and tolerable for all skin types, all ages, and all types of acne. Treatment may be performed without any skin cooling, anesthetic, and even without the need to touch the skin.
How Many Treatment Sessions Are Required?
This can vary depending on skin and severity of the condition, but generally 4 to 6 sessions are required to achieve a good result. After that, the patient may need maintenance every few months depending on their skin type.
What Is The Treatment Interval?
Patient should receive 1 treatment every one to two weeks.
Do You Use Any Topical Anesthesia Or Gels?
No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed because MicroPulse-1064 makes it uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced and slight pinching may be felt. This unique benefit saves time, cost and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment.
When Can I Expect To See Improvement?
The number of treatments as well as results vary from patient to patient. Commonly, improvement may be seen anywhere from 4–8 weeks if treatments are performed every 1 to 2 weeks depending on the severity of the condition and the patient’s skin’s reaction to the therapy. Some patient’s condition may worsen before it gets better.
Can This Be Used On Dark Skin?
Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo- pigmentation.
Can I Treat My Acne Scars?
Yes, the Neo Elite will remove pigment and redness from acne scars. It will also improve the skin’s texture slightly due to the absorption of water which will rebuild collagen and elastin.
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