Acne Scars

After the red pimples from acne subside, many people are left with dark marks and skin indentations or persistent elevations. Dark marks which are not indented are called pigmentation. These can be managed with surface treatments such as facials and exfoliating creams...

Facial Enhancement & Skin Health

The skin is comprised of an outer layer of protein structures held together by oil, called lipids. Below this is the growing layer of skin cells, called keratinocytes, that continually replenish the outer layer which is continuously shed. Deeper to this is the dermal...

Dr. Tan – the Dermatologist of the Year

  Dr. Tan was in Calgary on June 30th, where he received The Dermatologist of the Year Award from the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance. Dr. Tan was honoured with the award at the Canadian Dermatology Association’s annual conference. The award was presented in...

Follow @dermcity on Twitter

Follow @dermcity on Twitter for up-to-date clinical news for dermatology. Publishers of The Chronicle of Skin & Allergy, The Chronicle of Cosmetic Medicine & Surgery, & Skin Spectrum Summit.

The Latest Cosmetic Trend: Preventative Botox

The latest cosmetic trend: Preventative Botox “According to a recent report on cosmetic trends, millennials are increasingly invested in getting preventative botulinum toxin injections. Since 2010, the number of botulinum toxin procedures conducted for patients...